We've worked on over
of the world's CCS projects
leading to over
studies completed globally
and we have over
years of experience in CCS
Across the globe, 现在人们普遍认为,CCS将在帮助实现净零排放的未来方面发挥关键作用. Wood在CCS领域拥有世界级的专业知识,并在该领域提供尖端解决方案方面有着出色的记录.
Our expertise spans all stages of a CCS project; capturing emissions from a single site or a cluster of emitters and transporting the CO2 safely to offshore hubs where it can be permanently sequestered.
Defining the optimal way to capture and compress CO2 from a single facility or a cluster of emitters.
运用管道和工艺方面的专业知识来安全运输CO2 from where it’s captured to where it’s stored
Assessment of well integrity, and ongoing monitoring of CO2 injection facilities and storage reservoirs.
From initial concept and feasibility studies, 通过详细的工程设计和对管道和储存枢纽的持续监测, 伍德是帮助CCS项目从纸面上走向现实的理想合作伙伴.
40多年来,木材一直处于CCS市场的前沿. 在此期间,我们完成了超过175项研究,这些研究可以节省数十亿吨的二氧化碳2.
我们已经在全球许多国家的广泛工业部门定义了尖端的CCS解决方案. 从英国的工业中心地带到美国的墨西哥湾, Western Australia, and many parts of the Middle East.
We are currently delivering one of the world’s largest hubs in the Middle East; designing a 400km long pipeline to transport CO2 in Canada; and completing a ‘first-of-a-kind’ project at a UK industrial cluster to define how to safely capture and move CO2 from multiple emitters.
在Wood,我们与所有主要CO保持着牢固的关系2 获得技术许可,并与运输和仓储领域的专业公司结盟.
However, 我们保持独立,与任何一方都没有排他性的联系,这意味着我们可以为客户提供适合他们项目的平衡和客观的建议.