
How to create a roadmap to decarbonising your asset portfolio

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能源转型议程的首要任务是减少碳密集型产业对环境的影响和排放. 能源、热能生产和工业过程 占全球温室气体排放总量的55%.


在2015年《10bet十博网址》上, 各国政府承认,它们当时的国家气候目标无法实现将全球变暖控制在1摄氏度以内的目标.5˚C. 2020 was the target year to submit long-term strategies and for 排放达到峰值.

共识是,自2015年以来取得的进展还不够,各国需要付出前所未有的努力来降低排放水平并回到正轨. 个别国家正在调整其监管格局,以实现排放目标承诺,越来越多的政府也设定了本世纪中叶的净零排放目标.


世界银行 据估计,碳定价计划目前覆盖了使用这种机制的地区约一半的排放量.

随着碳定价的不断发展,排放已经并将继续对资产负债表产生越来越大的影响, 无论是通过排放交易体系还是碳税. The objective here is to shift the burden onto emitting operators and developers. A carbon price also stimulates clean technology and market innovation, 推动新, 低碳驱动经济增长.



45% of decarbonisation goals can be tackled through better 采用循环经济.

Resolving repeat failures that cause process trips or shutdowns, 停止燃烧和排气, ensuring operating parameters have not moved significantly from original efficiency levels, 发现和解决导致逸散性排放的资产完整性问题不仅仅是缓解排放的解决方案, 但为剩余电力或捕获的天然气提供了可观的成本效益和潜在的货币化机会.


95%的基金经理认为,不应对气候变化相关风险的国际石油公司是 没有吸引力的投资.

近年来,主流投资者正在效仿道德投资团体,采用基于碳氢化合物开采和碳排放水平的标准,将组织和大宗商品集团排除在外. 此外, 所寻求的承诺不仅包括减少开采和生产排放的硬性目标,还包括来自客户的原料和产品的“间接”或范围3排放.


Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals over 170年组织 是否承诺到2050年实现净零排放.

The public face of business visibility is also moving a pace with a greater emphasis on environmental, 社会和治理目标和贡献. The sustainability and societal impact of an investment is being increasingly scrutinised, 我们看到主要排放国定期宣布减少碳排放和雄心勃勃的净零排放目标.


A continually evolving landscape and suite of interrelated societal, economic and commercial complexities present challenges to reducing emissions.


公司冒着2美元的风险.到2030年达到2万亿美元 if they base investments on current emissions policies during the low carbon transition.

Older assets face more complex challenges in reducing emission intensity, it is often less efficient and logistically and economically challenging to replace or revamp. They contribute to fugitive emissions as parts fail or degrade. With ageing assets, there are multiple opportunities that can help drive significant improvements. 还有环境效益, a stronger level of governance around emissions also makes compelling commercial sense.


It will be a necessity to examine geography and geopolitics to 减少潜在搁浅资产的风险敞口.

Global industrial corporations are making enterprise-wide commitments to emissions, but their production and processing assets vary greatly in their geographic locations, 无论是在数量上,还是在运营规模上. 此外, 在相关国家或地区有不同范围的监管和立法要求.



取消补贴预计将增加可再生能源的装机容量和可再生能源在电力中的使用 使这些技术具有成本竞争力.

低碳行业的发展速度和成本降低得益于政府和监管部门的支持. 这是对化石燃料碳排放定价的立法和对能源生产替代技术的补贴的结果. 预计化石燃料补贴将逐步取消,这意味着碳密集型企业将无法像过去那样获得补贴.


当前的COVID-19大流行正在削弱 对全球经济的影响.

With a significant drop in GDP and major impact on capital expenditure in the short term. There is increasing focus on financing future projects on greener, 更具弹性和可持续性的解决方案. This is coupled with a need for existing assets to be secure, 弹性和生产在最佳水平. 还有脱碳选项, 许多工业设施可能会减少其他有害排放物,对空气质量产生积极影响.


Existing infrastructure has been built over many decades to support conventional energy uses. 快速过渡到a decarbonised system will have implications for existing infrastructure.

The pace of innovation and technological solutions have a major part to play in decarbonisation, 从生产和输送新能源的技术到将改变我们使用能源方式的数字创新. 利用数据和数字技术还提供了一种资本密集程度较低的途径来优化运营绩效, 以能源生产为目标,尽量减少浪费



Operators and developers need to map their journey to decarbonised assets.

You need to fully understand policy landscape and the carbon baseline, before defining objectives and targets for decarbonisation through benchmarking, assessing market impacts and taking consideration of policy and corporate strategy. Then review and map assets to enable development of decarbonisation pathway scenarios.

作为更广泛的交付模式的一部分, a SCORE screening process can be applied to single or multiple assets, 对客户的全部资产组合或跨特定地理或地区进行评估,评估机会:

替代 -substitution of fuel or feedstocks consumed for renewable or less intensive sources. 例如, switching electricity provision to a renewable source or considering use of renewable and bio feedstocks.

Capture ——采用碳捕集技术, 或者排放控制技术, to substantially reduce or eliminate harmful emissions to the atmosphere.

Offset -考虑在全国或全公司范围内的资产或产品组合,以实现脱碳/清洁空气目标.

Reduce - looking at holistic asset optimisation considering areas around energy efficiency, digitalisation and operations and maintenance best practise.

评估 ——无论你的脱碳之旅如何, 重要的是要应用一个结构化的评估过程,以便能够规划你的脱碳之旅,以实现目标并取得成功.



减少采掘和加工工业碳排放的途径将需要利用广泛的解决方案,并将针对特定地区进行定制, 企业投资组合和个人资产.

可再生能源 are increasingly being integrated into industrial process operations worldwide. 在俄罗斯, Gazprom Neft is embarking on a project to build solar-power electricity plants at its refining facilities. Shell has installed one of the largest solar parks in the Netherlands at their Moerdijk Chemical Plant. In upstream oil and gas, platforms in the North Sea have introduced renewable power sources. Opportunities also exist for operators to supply power to third parties.

流程优化是业务模式的关键,以确保运营商能够最大限度地提高整个操作的吞吐量和效率. This is inter-related with the selection of technology and practises to ensure energy efficient design. 例如, 尽量减少废物流和能源泄漏, 贯穿于过程交付和操作的各个方面.

设备泄漏是石油和天然气加工过程中二氧化碳和空气污染物排放的最大来源, 炼油厂, 生产设施. 数字解决方案可以增强检测, 资产完整性和响应实施对排放和减少产品损失有重大影响, as well as increasing safety for the workforce and surrounding community.

Operators can consider other feedstocks over petroleum and natural gas, alternatives like biofuels present opportunities for production and use. 用生物基替代品取代或补充传统的化石原料将减少排放. This is a developing area where technology is largely based around biofuels, 生物质和生物化学. It is also an area that is emerging in the hydrogen production arena, 通过使用生物原料.

scale to support the decarbonisation of multiple sectors: heat, 运输, 重工业和发电. 它还确保了在使用现有天然气基础设施进行运输和储存的应用中有效的系统集成. 碳捕获在抵消化石燃料生产的影响方面具有巨大的潜力,是一个在可负担性和规模上都在进步的领域.

通过碳市场调查碳抵消的好处只是整体减排战略的一部分. But it does present two opportunities for organisations to approach emissions reduction. 一个是由政府运营的合规市场,要求企业对排放进行核算. The other is carbon offsetting through participation in sustainable projects.

考虑到最近的市场波动和减排的立法要求,石油和天然气巨头不能依赖于现状. In recent years broader business models are moving organisations increasingly towards power and utilities.

